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Covid-19 Safety Guidelines
Safety Precautions and Guidelines
We are devoted to keeping our community safe and children happy and healthy. We want to provide a safe environment for Fern Gully's teachers, parents, and students. We follow the most current Washington State Department of Health guidelines.
As a member of the Fern Gully community, you are agreeing to these guidelines.
Before Arrival: If you or your child is sick, stay home. This applies to all signs of illness, especially early on. If it has been at least 5 days since the start of symptoms, but there is a lingering cough please let us know and show proof of a negative covid test or bring a doctor's note if possible before bringing your child to school. Please take all signs and symptoms of illness seriously and err on the side of caution. Please wash your hands before leaving your home.
It is of the utmost importance to keep your child home if they have shown any symptoms within the last 24 hours associated with COVID-19, including.
Fever (Over 100° F) or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, unusual fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, the recent loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
Masks/Facial Coverings: We follow the WA State regulations for Childcare and Youth Development. Adults and children are not currently required to wear facial coverings, especially with our programs being fully outdoors.
Health checks may be given during the program if children/teachers are experiencing fever or any symptoms related to COVID-19. If teachers or children are running a fever of 100° F [37.8° C] or greater, have a cough, and/or difficulty breathing, or have other COVID-19-related symptoms, they will be sent home and told to contact their healthcare provider. A negative COVID-19 test will be required to return.
Additional safety precautions and considerations include:​
We are doing extra sanitation throughout the day of surfaces and door handles as well as extra hand washing for kids and teachers and hand sanitizer is always available.
In the event a teacher or child attending Fern Gully School has been exposed to a person diagnosed with COVID-19 outside of the Programs, the exposed teachers or family of the exposed child will be asked to contact their healthcare provider, stay home for 5 days or the current CDC recommendations, and complete a COVID-19 test before returning.
In the event there is a confirmed COVID-19 case among teachers or children at school, we will contact the state and local health departments immediately. Fern Gully School will inform teachers and parents about the confirmed case, keeping confidentiality. All people who closely interacted with the infected person will be asked to contact their healthcare provider, stay home for 5 days, and complete a COVID-19 test before returning. Fern Gully School will follow all the recommendations given by the state and local health departments. Based on their recommendations, Fern Gully School may close temporarily for anywhere from 3-10 days. Additional cleaning and disinfecting will be performed.